I can't believe it, but I'm finally done packing. It truly was like a super-sized game of Tetris packing my storage pod, just not as fun as the computer game. It really has been a strange experience packing for the next four months; the variety of climates (California, Washington and Africa) has been challenging, and for better or for worse, I have packed five suitcases and am feeling ready to be clothed for any occasion in any climate. I'm also thinking of naming my first book, "Five Suitcases, Four Months, Three _____ (still thinking of this one, and open to suggestions) Two Continents and One Purpose" Or... maybe not so much :)
Today is my first official day as a nomad. As I drove away from my house this afternoon it was somewhat surreal, leaving behind the cottage that holds all of my tangible memories for a really fuzzy future. As corny as it was, I played the theme from Indiana Jones on my iPod as I drove away (goodbye local Hooters down the street, I can't say I'll miss you while I'm gone) and hummed along as I drove my overly packed car onto 880 and headed north to Petaluma. I had an amazing prayer/healing meeting with some friends from church yesterday, and we prayed through letting go of fear, anxiety and worry, so instead of being scared of the unknown, I'm trying to think of it as a great adventure (now does the whole Indiana Jones theme make sense?) Really, when will I ever have the chance again to be completely free for four months to travel, spend great time with family and friends and go through a surgery/healing process that is going to make a tremendous difference in my health, etc? Hello great adventure, goodbye fear and timidity.
Tonight, I am sleeping at my Grandma Virginia's house and am glad to be here away from the air mattress I've been sleeping on the past few nights. I've decided to keep track of how many beds I'll sleep in during the next four months. It could be an interesting list, or again, maybe not so much. That's all for now - thanks for reading.