Monday, April 21, 2008

An Earlier Departure Date!

This afternoon, I got a big surprise when I found out I'm going to be leaving almost a month earlier than I had originally planned.  My first departure date was going to be July 15, but now is bumped up to June 21.  I commented to our office staff today that it serves me right for complaining that the time between leaving CotC and when I leave for Africa is an difficult length - too short to look for a job, too long to just be hanging around.  So I guess God heard my prayer in the form of complaints and moved it up for me:)  The good news about this is that I'll be traveling with Ruth Majawa, who works with CRWRC and is married to a Malawian pastor.  We'll fly together to Uganda, spend a week or so there, go to Nairobi, Kenya and spend a couple more days there and then she'll leave for Malawi, and I'll travel to Zambia to where I'll be based at.  I'm glad to be traveling with someone on the way over there, plus it will be nice to have a friend the first week or so to make my transition a little smoother.  

More good news on the finance front - people put another $1212 in the offering plate this weekend at church which brings my new grand total up to $10,025.  Only $3975 more to go!  

I'm so encouraged so far.  God truly is my great provider!

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